
can be a measure, or something far beyond.
For example, 400 meters represents exactly one lap of a standard outdoor running track. 400 can also be an ISO speed for camera film or the number of calories in a bowl of braised pork rice. Therefore, how can we interpret 400 years in terms of life in a city? If we view Tainan as a unit of measurement, what do we get when we add 400 to Tainan? In Tainan 400, we invite you to create your own way to measure Tainan’s culture from a 360° panoramic view for 365 days. Experience and define the city intimately, using your own imagination and your own mode of travel.

Tainan 400 Summer Side Mission \ Southern Summer Time \ Image Video

The theme song of Tainan 400, "Slowly Transforming Tainan" by Xie Mingyou ft. Dazhi
Tainan 400 Event Brochure
prosperity for the next 400 years based on the development, culture, and
history of the past. The core values “cherish the tradition, define the
contemporary, envision the future” cover the whole themes of the action.
Collective efforts have been made by both public and private sectors to
achieve identifying the future outlook and foresight planning for a sustainable
Tainan through the process of rediscovering the past and positioning
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